Forum postings not visible

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  • #6825
    Ilonka Guenther

    Hi Team,
    I checked out the forum a week ago to see if there is any discussion topic of interest for me. In the management forum I posted a question looking for a solution. The moment I submitted it I was reading over it again and realised I had forgotten to close a bracket. I edited it and submitted again just to see a message that it has been marked as SPAM. Now it says there is 1 voice but I cannot see the post. I checked back today and I still cannot see my post.

    Something is not right with my post or the management forum? I got an e-mail today about an announcement. So that forum seems to work.




    Hi Ilonka, I can see your post about the NIR-II IN VIVO IMAGER – and this post! – but sorry I can’t see any others from you. Is some information still missing?

    Ilonka Guenther

    Hi Jane,
    I had posted in Management. When I am on the level where I see all forums under management it says 1 voice 1 post and on the right under topics the name of Alexandre Mely. When I go into the forum there is nothing. So my post cannot be seen. As I recall when I submitted it I saw a message “labelled as spam” briefly showing up.
    So my post is not visible to anyone not even myself.

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